Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok so here is my day. I got up at 7:45 and my mother-law was here. That’s ok, I forgot she was coming today but she did and we all went out to eat at 8 AM and we got home around 9:30 AM. I had to work at 10 AM. No biggie.

The baby didn’t like what I had to eat so I started feeling sick. On top of that I went to sleep the night before at 10 PM and I woke up at 1 AM for the 1 clock pee and most of the time we go to bed after that but Baby G said NO; I’m going to keep my mommy up all night (Or at least until 5am). So the combination of no sleep and not feeling good made me have a bad day.

So nap time FINALLY came which meant I could get an hour to just relax without any kids. I only have one kid at nap time to put down. At 1 PM, I have another child that came, so I put her down for a nap. By this time my relaxation is half over b/c I still have to clean up while the kids are asleep.

The kids get up at 3 PM and I have another child that came at 3:30 PM. The mommy said the girl did not have a nap so I started to put her down to take one, but I realized that she was not going down without a fight, so I just let her stay up.

Bed time is 8:30 most of the time but I was not feeling good and one of my night time kids didn’t have a nap either, so 8 PM was tonight’s bed time for both b/c the other children didn’t want to listen to me.

The dad of the child that came at 3:30 PM got here at 8 so I got her ready to go. Before they left he asked me if she got her clothes dirty and I said no but I did give her a bath. He then said that she had one before she was dropped off earlier today. I explained that unless somebody tells me, I have no way of knowing she had already had a bath, but she is defiantly clean I guess.

I told him I was just about to put her bed so he had come just in time :)

He didn’t like that too much. He looked as if he wanted to say, “Why is she going to bed so soon?”, but he never actually said anything to me about it, I could just tell.

Anyways, I don’t feel good and I was and am bitchy so I just wanted to write it down to help me feel better.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tommy can feel the baby move now

So I been feeling the baby move and was waiting for tommy to feel Baby G to and today was the day. Dustin was trying to feel baby G the other day and cant and he was not here when tommy could feel the baby move. I hope Dustin can feel the baby soon to. I think Dustin is ok with the baby now lol. Dustin is so happy we are going to Va Beach next month. Thats all he talks about and going fishing with Grandpa and Uncle Casey. I cant wait to see my family and my best friend she will be in Va beach at the same time im there. Will nap is almost over so back to work I go.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.